IMPROVE organizes thematic conferences relating to the different facets of plant proteins valorization

Equipe improve

These conferences give the opportunity to major industrial and academic actors, beyond the perimeter of IMPROVE’s shareholders or associate members, to present their commercial offer and expertise. Read more

IMPROVE has expanded its range of microfiltration membranes !

membrane filtration

We have received 600 nm and 1 µm silicon carbide membranes from ST GOBAIN Read more

Vers un retour en grâce des protéines végétales


Introduction La planète se retrouve devant un défi de taille : couvrir les besoins en protéines des humains qui l’habitent et de leurs animaux domestiques. Ceci, sans épuiser les ressources naturelles. Déjà, une chose est sûre : les protéines végétales doivent garder une part importante dans le cadre d’une alimentation … Read more

Improve commits in Security, safety and environment development


 Regular actions are in place for Improve staff: training on laboratory rules and good practices rescuer of work training related to the proper use of gases training in equipment consignment – training in the use of fire extinguishers training boiler and electrical Thus since the creation of Improve there has … Read more