The Lochner Digestor

The digestor Lochner allows to handle hydrolysis tests on 12 samples in parallel ensuring temperature control and an efficient mechanical agitation.   Read more

The Brabender® Plastograph® EC

The Brabender® Plastograph® EC is the economical table-top version of the universal torque rheometer Plastograph® applied all over the world for application investigations in laboratories and simulation. With its digital 3.8-kW motor, a torque measuring range of 200 Nm, and a speed range from 0.2 to 150 min-1, the Plastograph® … Read more

IMPROVE’S New Equipments

IMPROVE is pleased to introduce its new equipments.   So in this article we have chosen to present the Morphologi G3 (Malvern®) : morphogranulometer able to determine particles size and shape from 0.5 μm to several millimeters in dry (powders) and wet (emulsions) samples. Making data even richer than the laser granulometer, … Read more

IMPROVE thanks everyone for the welcome you have given us in 2014 and look forward seeing you in 2015

IMPROVE thanks you for the welcome you have given us in 2014 and look forward to seeing you soon in January 2015. Health and Prosperity is our wish for al of you and your relatives! IMPROVE’s TEAM   Read more

IMPROVE will be meeting you at the Global Food Technology & Innovation Summit March 2nd & 3rd 2015

Johan DE CONINCK Business Development Manager at the cluster IAR will represente IMPROVE during the congress. For more information concerning this event please visite the congress website: Read more