IMPROVE at Hi-Ni Europe December 2nd-4th, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

IMPROVE is exhibiting at Hi-Ni- Europe in Amsterdam, Dec, 2nd-4th. You’re welcome to visit the French Pavillon, we are hosted by IAR Innovation platforms booth. En savoir plus
IMPROVE is exhibiting at Hi-Ni- Europe in Amsterdam, Dec, 2nd-4th. You’re welcome to visit the French Pavillon, we are hosted by IAR Innovation platforms booth. En savoir plus
Reims will be hosting the 7th EFIB – European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and Biobased Products from September 30th till October 2nd. Join us at EFIB for an insight into this exciting and rapidly evolving landscape and be part of the process of building a stronger more sustainable biobased economy. … En savoir plus
Denis Chereau, General Manager of IMPROVE invites all of you to visit our installations during 9th Protein Summit. You’re welcome to meet us next 19-21st September in Rotterdam! Global transition is imminent in the protein industries. Security of supply of food and food protein is set to become an even … En savoir plus
Ordered end of 2013, IMPROVE is delighted to anounce that the first equipments have arrived this first quarter and are already running on the first projects. You’re welcome to visit us and see our state of the art lab and pilot technologies. En savoir plus
Commandé en fin d’année 2013, les premiers équipements ont été livré au cours du premier trimestre 2014: Venez visiter nos laboratoires et notre halle pilote vous découvrirez nos équipements, les dernières technologies d’analyses, caractérisation, synthèse et modification des protéines. Les meilleures technologies pour vous servir! En savoir plus
7Th PROTEIN SUMMIT 18-19 SEPTEMBER, ROTTERDAM La transition mondiale est imminente dans le domaine des protéines. Sécurité de l’approvisionnement alimentaire et de la nourriture protéine est en passe de devenir un problème mondial encore plus important. Cet évènement focalise sur la croissance les nouveaux aliments riches en protéines dans le secteur … En savoir plus