Unique 5-in-1 Summit for protein innovation
Join this fantastic 300+ largest Global Protein Platform and work with fellow Leaders on future strategies for the globe at the following Summits:
– Protein 2030 Summit
– Plant-Based Foods Summit
– High Protein Foods Summit
– Protein Ingredients Summit
– Protein Processing Summit
The food and protein markets will evolve massively in the coming years. The demand for protein remains high. ‘High’ protein is hot in Western worlds, the consumer awareness of the benefits of plant-based foods is growing, prices for dairy protein are soaring again, new proteins and technologies have come to market. Debates on the availability of proteins and the impact on food security, economy and geo-politics, as well as the impact of protein production on the climate will intensify. Global transition is imminent in the food, petfood and feed industries. This 5-in-1 Summit will bring together Industry and Public Policy Leaders to discuss, build and shape the future strategies in close cooperation.
Free innovation tours to ADM Chamtor and ARD on 26 September afternoon
Enjoy the power of protein and innovation in Northern France. And combine the 10th Protein Summit 2017 with free visits to ADM Chamtor and ARD on 26 September afternoon.
Part of the ADM Group, created in 1992 by farming partners, the CHAMTOR plant is located in France, in the heart of the Champagne Ardenne region. It transforms and processes only regional wheat and is an important player in the transformation of cereals into starch-based products. Its 210 collaborators work 24/7 in the processing of 450,000 tonnes of wheat per year. CHAMTOR has an annual sales turnover of€150 M, half of which for export.
For over 50 years, French farmers have been striving to take their destiny into their own hands, through vertical integration. The first investments in food processing started in the 1960’s in the malt, milling and corn industries. In the 80’s, the notion of value creation trough non-food applications emerged, a vision which led to the creation of ARD (Agro-Industrie Recherches et Développements). A stakeholder in the Bazancourt-Pomacle biorefinery, near Reims in France, ARD is a mutualised private research structure, owned by major players in French agribusiness as well as regional farming cooperatives. It was created in 1989 to find new opportunities for creating value from its shareholders’ produce (cereals, sugar beet, alfafa, oilseeds, etc.). ARD has developed expertise in: plant fractionation and biorefining, white (industrial) biotechnology, bio-based chemistry and agro-materials, the environment. ARD has 95 employees.
The tour will include: a visit of fractionation, biotechnology and green chemistry laboratories, pilot halls for fermentation DSP and plant fractionation and visit of the ARD demonstration plant which hosts à 10 and 180 m3 sterile fermentors.
NEW Protein Awards
Following the big success of the 2016 Awards with over 70 entries, enrollment has started for the 2017 Bridge2Food Protein Awards for the best new category, finished protein food, the most novel ingredient, and most disruptive technology. The Award winners will be announced by the expert jury during the Summit dinner 27 September. The competition is open till 30 August.
Read more here on the program for the 10th protein summit